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Monitoring Solutions

For consuming facilities and generation power plants, Algebra Intelligence constructs standardized and customizable monitoring solutions to improve the performance of the power systems within different facilities and power plants with the aim of reducing electricity consumption and increasing the efficiency of our clients’ power plants. Our in-house team of software engineers and technicians have the ability and experience to tailor the desired functionalities and improve the performance of the energy systems.

Predictive Maintenance

By integrating artificial intelligence (AI) within our platform, Algebra Intelligence is able to ensure continuity, staffing flexibility, and O&M efficiency to achieve the operating targets of the power plants. Having been developed with our expertise in AI and energy, our predictive maintenance solutions are designed to observe the operational equipment remotely and to foresee the needs of any required maintenance to achieve optimal performance and avoid any failure.

Asset Performance Management

Algebra Intelligence offers an asset performance management solution, it’s an efficient tool for attaining cost management, reducing risks, and rendering quality more flexible. As our customer’s power plants’ data is crucial, with our effective asset management tool the clients will be able to make better-informed business decisions for the plants’ longevity and profitability.

Energy forecast solutions

Algebra Intelligence developed an artificial intelligence-based solution for energy forecasting to guarantee the highest degree of data accuracy for this vital aspect of your business.

With our solution, the plants are able to maximize operations, improve financial performance, and enhance planning.

Energy Efficiency

An energy audit is the first step in the process to make your residential, commercial, and industrial environment more comfortable and efficient. Algebra Intelligence combines the understanding of building performance by using the whole system approach to reduce wasted energy, decrease utility bills and affect the bottom line. 

Testing and Commissioning

Algebra intelligence is capable of performing the testing and commissioning services. Algebra is strengthened by following the National and International regulations and standards for Low and Medium Voltage systems.

1- Test of LV systems (DC and AC)

2- Test of MV systems

3- Thermal imaging service

Operation and Maintenance

O&M services provide long-term solutions for optimizing solar systems’ performance to produce the maximum amount of energy. Algebra will perform continuous monitoring and remote operation of the project using TaQTaK platform, in addition to existing on-site to provide services

Renewable Energy Projects Development and consultancy

Algebra Intelligence can provide consultancy for upcoming renewable energy projects to take up and complete projects with a skilled workforce, best-proven standards, and delivery within a time frame. Algebra’s team has been involved in more than 600MW solar and wind projects. Algebra provides consultancy services for RE projects beginning from the earlier stages and through all project phases and milestones

We Created a Huge
Amount Creative Projects

It’s not just about being better. It’s about being different. You need to give people a reason to choose your business. If you believe it will work, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles